The best dog food for a range of budgets

The dog food market has continually grown over the years and is now worth £1.6 Billion a year. The dog food that you feed to your furry friend is one of the most important factors on their overall health. The quality of dog food improves year upon year as the knowledge around nutrition grows. 

A good dog food needs to be not only focused on nutrition but also on taste. There are 37 essential nutrients that all dogs need in their diets to ensure they are healthy, however many breeds of dogs have sensitive stomachs and need to ensure that they are also getting a broad range of nutrients, this can be achieved by using a suitable hypoallergenic dog food. 

Ensuring you have the correct food for your dog can be a long and arduous journey, we have taken the time to help you with deciding and below have put some of the foods that we would recommend.

Dry food

Wet food

Hypoallergenic food